NHS Pensions Webinar 6th February 2025 13:00-14:30

Date / Times


MS Teams


Online Pension Webinar via MS Teams

Thursday 6 February 2025, 13.00-14.30

Cheshire LMC will be providing a free NHS Pensions webinar which will focus on a) New GPs and b) Sessional GPs and the issues of Portfolio Working with Multiple Employers.

Keeping on top of your GP pension records and contributions is essential if you wish to avoid errors in your pension records and expensive stressful work to correct them in the future. Failure to ensure accurate records can lead to significant delays in your final lump sum and pension payments or reductions in the payments received on retirement. It is never too soon to ensure you have the right support and advice on this important subject. Cheshire LMC will be providing a free MS Teams webinar for those GP colleagues in Cheshire who are at the start of their careers and those who currently prefer portfolio working. The latter can have its own complex issues due to multiple employers and pension record keeping.

The webinar will be delivered by Simon Appleyard and James Gunnery from Wesleyan and managed by PCC on behalf of the LMC.

REGISTER HERE https://www.pccevents.co.uk/3354